GPSLog Labs Blog

GPSLog Labs Blog

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Log Timezone Changes

I've just changed the way that GPSLog Labs detects the local timezone for a log to make it more reliable.

Each place now has a timezone field and this is used to set the default timezone for any logs to or from that place (kind of obvious really...)

When you're adding a new place, you can choose the timezone or just click the "Auto-detect" button which will use the web-service to determine the timezone.

I have been able to fill in most timezones for places that have been created to date. Have a look at the Places configuration page though as you may have one or two that you'll need to set yourself.

If a log doesn't match any places it will default to the timezone you've set in your Profile page, and the timezone for a log can always be edited if you want it to be something different.

Filed under  //  changelog   inbox   places   timezone  

Timezone support changes

I've just spent some time refactoring GPSLog Labs so that it has much better support for logs in different timezones. For each log, you can specify the timezone that it was recorded in and it's times will be shown in that timezone no matter what your current timezone is set to, i.e. logs show the times you experience the activity.

The upshot of this is that if you were going for runs at 9am in one country, they'll appear at 9am when you compare them to runs in another country.

Filed under  //  changelog   timezone  

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